Psychology Programs

Candid Camera Classics for Introductory Psychology
(DVD/VHS) - $149.95
- Introduction
- Handsome Teacher
- Pretty Teacher
- Teacher's Pet
- Mixed-Up Sayings
- Babes in Mirror
- Remember Message
- Math Problems
- Square Feet?
- Kokomo
- Fixed Bowling
- Aptitude Test
- What Do You See?
- Monkey on Head
- Talking Mailbox
- Face the Rear
- Space Dr. TV Survey
Candid Camera Classics for Social Psychology
(DVD/VHS) - $149.95
- Introduction
- Face the Rear
- Sharing Ice Cream
- Art Expert’s Views
- Picketing
- Don’t Walk Here
- Lie for My Alibi
- Don’t Eat Light
- Delaware Closed
- Bound and Gagged
- Good and Evil
- Invisible Glass
- Invisible Stockings
- Mixed-Up Strategy
- International Suitcase
- Space Dr. TV Survey
Instructor Guide (covers both programs) - $29.95
The Psychology Package
(both programs, DVD/VHS, plus Instructor Guide) - $239.95
NOTE: Use of this content is restricted to educational lectures and classroom use. Other uses such as corporate
and commercial, require a license from Candid Camera, Inc. For licensing information contact: Candid Camera,
P.O. Box 827, Monterey, CA. 93942.
Or, Click here to order online.